Sunday 28 August 2016

Love - The Essence of Life

Love is the essence of life. It is where all life begins, and the foundation for every dignifying emotion man has been capable of expressing. Where love is missing, there is no life. Creation itself rotates on the axis of love. The love of the Creator is the beginning of creation. Our being here therefore is the answer of the creator to our request to explore the full potentials of the human spirit.
It is the essence of creation and the rationale for our individual incarnations! Love in its eternal essence gives the most treasured gift that man has, Hope. An acceptance of the love of the Creator, helps us to understand His Laws and we make attempt to adapt ourselves to these laws. In a dim human way, we attempt to return this love. When we do not have the essence of love, we become very critical and intolerant. However, we tend to translate this love in too much of a human way, in our concept of how we are to express it. We know of the love of our parents and sometimes take that for granted or give it expectations that are self serving. We love a child and expect the child to be an extension of our dreams and so we feel disappointed when the child expresses innately its own identification of self.
Can love be critical and tough? Yes it can, it actually must, if it tends to fulfill its primary responsibility of bringing out the best in the object of love. The rub is, we must be clear when we are critical, what we are being critical of. The ability to be objective is actually the first spring of love. To see in its totality, a person, or situation and in the process of that assessment, carry the ability to be helpful for the benefit of the person, object or situation. It is therefore sometimes essential to understand that love can be tough. This is however based on the principle that even a blind person should be able to 'see' the love in the correction you offer a loved one.
There is the confusion to see love as constantly self sacrificing, weak and submissive. If we sincerely look at the essence of human spirit, we will agree that it is wrong to expect a human spirit to be submissive for he is not made that way. His lack of self exertion thus is a consequence of indolence, indulgence and an inability to make use of his given free will. He has chosen to take the soft option. A vibrant love, is clear sighted about the limitations of the recipient of his love but will want to see and seek opportunities to offer serving love as distinct from self serving administration of selfish considerations!
At a sublime level therefore is the love of the Creator, who has set in motion opportunities for each human spirit to arrive at the peak of his possibilities, and abilities. He has instituted into creation thus, certain laws that is not in any way religious nor does it advocate a religion. These laws by their very essence defines for man the essence of what we mean by freedom and offers man the gateway to supreme personal happiness and attainment. It enforces compliance irrespective of our understanding of these laws. We live in creation, are in it but not of it as we all sense that there is much more than we can see, hear, sense and touch.
These laws are anchored in the Love of the Creator. They offer to man the keys to a life that can be happy. It invites us to be self critical, exert ourselves and offers both an explanation and a way to those things in creation we are puzzled about. It offers through the laws of reciprocity, that maturing fruits started from seed level and could be different from one seed to the other according to the specie of the act.
Man lives his life at three levels. He plants the consequences of his life on these levels. His words are immediate and therefore active, just as his actions can be seen by all. However a more potent aspect of his life is his thoughts and because of the nature of their ability to be cloaked if it so wishes, we sow thought forms that might take eons to fructify! We however take relief in the knowledge that in understanding of the quirks of human nature, the Creator in love anchored this law so we might learn and grow. That is love too.

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Let Rejection Reinforce Your Resolve

Ever mused about how a movie didn't end the way you wanted? Have you complained about a restaurant and convinced your friends not to dine there? Did you ever read an employer's email or a friend's poem and feel the need to critique its structure?
Chances are that you've done your share of rejecting the work of others. One of the most difficult parts of the writing process is dealing with rejection. When it comes to creativity, every work of art will be rejected at some point. Even if the creator is satisfied with his product, the audience may not receive it in the same warm way. The article you just submitted might be ignored, your dissertation draft may come back to you with more revisions than praise, your friend could miss every joke in your comedic short story, and all ten publishers where you sent your manuscript may respond: "not quite." No matter the details, everyone's work is one day met with rejection.
Although it hurts and may bruise your artistic ego, rejection doesn't have to discourage you.
The way you respond to the inevitable rejection of your work is the key. If you truly believe in your mission and have a passion for your work, don't give up! Instead, try harder and regain your focus. With the pain of rejection comes toughened skin, determination to excel, and time to develop your product and hone your skill. Jessica Olien writes, "Truly creative ideas take a very long time to be accepted. The better the idea, the longer it might take." Think back to the days of writing essays for school. Did those long nights of cramming words together till the hour before class result in your most prized essays? Not likely. Instead, the assignments you were most proud of were developed over time, with time specifically allotted for reflection and input and-you guessed it-rejection. It may have come from your peers or employers, or as a result of self-examination. An artist is his own number one critic. The way you accept or reject your own work is one of the best gauges of its completion.
While rejection is hard, especially for writers and other creatives, it is effective in taking your work to the next level. David Burkis writes, "Being rejected is often a statement that you (or your ideas) are too far from the current mainstream to be considered safe or comfortable. This could actually be a good thing. You're ahead of your time. While the group or client may not believe they need you right away, the world probably does." Don't think of moments of rejection as roadblocks. Think of them as detour signs that take you on the scenic route, resulting in more creativity. If you have the resolve and the gumption, rejection will only strengthen the final product of your perseverance!

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Creative Writing - Spilling Colors Across the Written Page

The first box of Crayons was released in 1903 and sold for a nickel a box. All right, cool trivia tidbit, but is that all? Originally, only eight (8) colors were in the box: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, brown, and black - limited, even dull by current standards and certainly not enough to enhance the reading experience for today's visually-bombarded reader. Colors have blossomed and bloomed in the past one-hundred years, and writers, just as Crayola did, need to expand their 'color' vocabulary.
Crayola has utilized buyer's input to add, eliminate and re-invent color choices. Prussian Blue gave way to Midnight Blue in the 50s. Flesh became Peach during the Civil Rights movement in the 60s. Even Indian Red changed to today's version of Chestnut. Each of these colors is a part of history and brings images to mind.
What about these colors?
Cotton Candy
Deep Sea Blue
Purple Heart
Fire-engine Red
Head-light White
Sunshine Yellow
Is there a heartbeat-flash memory? A lightning-strike of recognition? How many have never eaten Cotton Candy? Or at least been to a fair or a carnival and seen the sticky stuff? Word of caution: if the creative writing is destined for heavy distribution in overseas markets, not all of these words will apply. For most readers, however, Cotton Candy is universal and provides instant color association. Even in a 95,000-word work of fiction, no writer wants to spend ten words to produce color recognition, when one or two will do. Consider options when detailing shades. Use personal references to deepen the shades when completing creative essays, persuasive and narrative writing, short stories and novel fiction, even articles. Each of the above images belongs to my background. Writers should reflect on their own personal history to bring vibrancy and uniqueness to their color list.
Still grappling with sensory perception to dramatize better writing? Here are a few more examples to get started (the last listing in each line belongs in my Crayola box):
Purple: plum, violet, lavender, lilac, Purple Mountain Majesty
Pink: orchid, fuchsia, shrimp, carnation, rose, blush, salmon, Wild Strawberry
Gray: steel, slate, iron, dove, metallic, silver, Timberwolf
Blue: sky, aqua, Bluebonnet, navy, periwinkle, Denim
Green: lime, sea-green, kiwi, celery, emerald, grass, avocado, leaf, Granny Smith Apple
Yellow: sunshine, lemon, banana, mustard, dandelion, SunGlow
Red: crimson, blood, Christmas Red, auburn, scarlet, apple, terra cotta, Brick Red
Black: coal, ebony, asphalt, midnight, tar, ink, onyx, Outer Space
Here are a few extras thrown in:
Ghost, talc, straw, carrot, sienna, blueberry, blackberry, ocean, aqua, ruby, topaz, school-house red, fire-engine red, cinnamon, sand, clay. Be careful with 'clay'. If you live in parts of west Texas, the color would be red clay (and dust - just ask a west Texan); if you live in north to east Texas, it would be the notorious black clay that dries to the durability of cement; if dealing with modeling or sculpting clay, the color would be slate gray.
Are you getting the point that many tangible items come with inherent color recognition? By employing this simple writing tip, any writer can immediately strengthen the reader's enjoyment. Loss, sadness, joy, anger, and even love are images and emotions that can be enhanced by selecting the right color word. Purchase a box (super-sized) of Crayons, or an enlarged color wheel. Walk through the nearest market, the winery, the flower garden. Color descriptions will spring to mind. Spend a few moments reliving the past and thinking of shades that not only produce emotions, but bring back clear memories. Make a list of the combined efforts and keep it by the computer. Readers trust a writer to provide the most vivid journey into the world of make-believe possible. By choosing the right color word, writers can paint brilliantly hued words across the page and deepen any reader's experience.

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There's Something About the Balut

There are certain foods out there which can evoke different emotions within our self. A waft of our favorite childhood dish brings a feeling of comfort and transports us back to a happy time or place. When you are prodded by a friend to eat a balut, either your heart pounds with anticipation or your face cringes in horror. Eating one though can give you the much desired 'star' point from the locals when you travel to a South Asian country where this egg is a delicacy. They are ecstatic to receive you in their inner circle and you feel mighty proud to join them.
What is really a balut?
Balut is a fertilized egg of a duck or chicken. The duck egg is the one famous as balut though. Its name could have originated from the Filipino word 'balot', which means "to wrap".
At the start of the balut making process, only the egg with thick shell is chosen to ensure that it can withstand the stress of continuous egg removal and placement in containers. The balut maker would lightly tap the egg with his fingers and then listens. A thin-shelled egg emits a brittle sound while an egg with a cracked shell produces a hollow sound. The balut maker would then anxiously monitor the incubation process for he knows that a slight change in heat temperature could affect the embryo development of the duck egg.
The balut which is often sold in the streets is a boiled duck egg between 17-18 days old. One balut vendor that I talked to proclaimed with pride that his balut is the most delicious because it is 'balot sa puti' (wrapped in white) and is 17 days old. What he means is that it is at a stage where the duck fetus is still wrapped in its white embryonic membrane. The embryo is weak, thus, the beak, feathers, and bones of the duck are not yet fully developed. It is an ideal stage for eating balut as there would be no feathery bits getting stuck between your teeth.
When a craving of balut hits me, I would wonder why I always need to wait for nighttime for the balut vendor to appear in our street. From the essay, "Balut: Fertilized Duck Eggs and Their Role in Filipino Culture"Margaret Magat discusses that some local people makes the connection on how we eat balut with the way an aswang sucks the lifeblood out of a human fetus through its mother's womb. Aswang is a mythical creature in the Philippines folklore, preferring to eat the flesh of dead bodies and unborn children in the cover of darkness. I am thinking that this could be one possible explanation why our ancestors started the tradition of eating balut only at night; it could be from shame or fear because they are going for an unborn fetus even if it is of a duck.
When someone has the chance to throw salt to an aswang, it is a common belief in the Philippines that it would cause their skin to burn. A sprinkling of rock salt on the balut may also stem from the same belief of the purifying powers of salt. If you can successfully eat balut with salt without burning, then you are not an aswang or would never become one. The plus factor is that the salt enhances the taste of balut.

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MBA Essay Tips for MIT Sloan School of Management

On its website, MIT Sloan School of Management highlights programs from Entrepreneurship to the Digital Economy. Innovation is key, and the program seeks interesting students to build a class that can learn from each other and continue the tradition of innovation.
When approaching this set of essays, your task is to remain focused on your overall application strategy and choose the key stories that can showcase your achievements at school, work and extracurricular activities while demonstrating that you will contribute to Sloan's mission.
Essay 1
The mission of the MIT Sloan School of Management is to develop principled, innovative leaders who improve the world and generate ideas that advance management practice. Discuss how you will contribute toward advancing the mission based on examples of past work and activities. (500 words or fewer, limited to one page)
The MIT Sloan application relied heavily on "behavioral essays" in the past. This year there is only one essay of this style, that requires you to describe your past accomplishments and experience on a specific level. These questions have typically focused on understanding how you work, think and act in a variety of situations. As you provide examples of past work and activities ideally you are highly specific about your thoughts and actions in the situation.
This question is seeking to understand how you develop and execute on ideas. A work or extracurricular example where you demonstrated the ability to generate strategy and execute upon it would be ideal here. How did you identify your idea? What did you do to develop it? What did you ultimately accomplish? This essay will demonstrate your intellectual capacity and curiosity, which are crucial attributes MIT Sloan is looking for in MBA admits.
Essay 2
Write a professional letter of recommendation on behalf of yourself. Answer the following questions as if you were your most recent supervisor recommending yourself for admission to the MIT Sloan MBA Program: (750 words or fewer)
• How long and in what capacity have you known the applicant?
• How does the applicant stand out from others in a similar capacity?
• Please give an example of the applicant's impact on a person, group, or organization.
• Please give a representative example of how the applicant interacts with other people.
• Which of the applicant's personal or professional characteristics would you change?
• Please tell us anything else you think we should know about this applicant.
MIT Sloan asked candidates to submit a cover letter for their MBA application for several years. This iconic essay challenged candidates every year to encompass career goals, reasons for an MBA and interest in MIT Sloan in a short professional style cover letter.
This year MIT Sloan returns to a typically professional format with a requirement to draft a letter of recommendation for yourself. You are placed in the role of your most recent supervisor and asked a series of questions that MBA programs typically ask of your professional recommenders. The wrinkle to this question is that your most recent supervisor may also be writing an actual letter of recommendation for you. MIT Sloan is one of the few MBA programs without a preference for your current supervisor as a primary recommender, so you could also avoid that scenario. Regardless, this "recommendation letter" should both reflect similar feedback as your actual recommendation letters and provide new information.
The key challenge in answering this question is the tone to take. Ideally you are measured about both your strengths and weaknesses, while showing confidence that you are accomplished and also that you are able to improve when you need to. The ideal tone is mature and logical, without overt bragging. Your actual supervisor may get away with more glowing terms when describing your work, but you will want to keep in mind that self-awareness and interest in improvement are assets to an MBA applicant.
Take note that several elements of this question focus on interpersonal skills. This is your opportunity to showcase leadership and teamwork. Self-awareness about your impact on others will come through here and demonstrates you know yourself and how you come across to your team, managers and peers.
The Admissions Committee invites you to share anything else you would like us to know about you, in any format. If you choose to use a multimedia format, please host the information on a website and provide us the URL.
MIT Sloan's entirely open-ended optional essay invites applicants to respond to the essay in any format desired. This allows you to do anything you need to with this space, including clarifying any concerns or highlighting interesting aspects of your background or profile.

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Integrity Online - 3 Ways Plagiarism Can Quickly Ruin Your Reputation

The best leaders are those who empower others. Empower means to put energy into something or someone. When we empower someone, we infuse him or her with our strength, support and
acknowledgment to carry things forward.
Empowering others is something all good leaders must do. As a leader, there's no room for the lone ranger mentality. Leaders accomplish great things through other people. They don't do it all themselves. They provide the leadership, inspiration, vision, and guidance to make things happen. Delegation is a necessary and important part of being a leader and the only way to truly get anything accomplished.
For this reason, it's important that leaders empower others to manage and lead. That means transferring knowledge and resources as much as it means being there to provide mentorship and guidance as projects are executed. Empowering others develops trust; it teaches, it inspires, and most importantly, it serves to train the next generation of leaders. We have learned all that we know from others.
A good leader knows that his or her number one job is to create the opportunity and the environment to grow great leaders. Empowering others is a lot more than providing mentoring and coaching, or handing off roles and responsibilities. It's about sincerely helping another person to step into their greatness so
they can share their talents and gifts with others.

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Leadership Qualities - Great Leaders Empower Others

The best leaders are those who empower others. Empower means to put energy into something or someone. When we empower someone, we infuse him or her with our strength, support and
acknowledgment to carry things forward.
Empowering others is something all good leaders must do. As a leader, there's no room for the lone ranger mentality. Leaders accomplish great things through other people. They don't do it all themselves. They provide the leadership, inspiration, vision, and guidance to make things happen. Delegation is a necessary and important part of being a leader and the only way to truly get anything accomplished.
For this reason, it's important that leaders empower others to manage and lead. That means transferring knowledge and resources as much as it means being there to provide mentorship and guidance as projects are executed. Empowering others develops trust; it teaches, it inspires, and most importantly, it serves to train the next generation of leaders. We have learned all that we know from others.
A good leader knows that his or her number one job is to create the opportunity and the environment to grow great leaders. Empowering others is a lot more than providing mentoring and coaching, or handing off roles and responsibilities. It's about sincerely helping another person to step into their greatness so
they can share their talents and gifts with others.

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